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  1. Satisfy our local market with various cosmetics from abroad
  2. Become the best consultancy firm in field of Agriculture, Agro-forestry, ICT
  3. Develop sustainable systems

Bellatis Group Ltd was established under the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) as a domestic Company in accordance with article 19 of the Ministerial Order no02/09/MINICOM of 08/05/2009 relating to business of low income with a goal of importing and wholesaling cosmetics, conserve and manage environment and natural resources and support the Government of Rwanda to build and develop a sustainable, climate resilient green economy, build, host and maintain web systems.

Our Vision

  1. Become leading cosmetics wholesale company Best in Ecommerce


  1. Satisfy our local market with various cosmetics from abroad
  2. Become the best consultancy firm in field of Agriculture, Agro-forestry, ICT
  3. Develop sustainable systems